Date Requested: Mar 31 2025 5:17 AM
SER Transactional Reporting Capacity Release
TSP Name: Sea Robin Pipeline Company, LLC (TSP: 045943644)
Posting Date - Posting Date
Posting Time - Posting Time
Svc Req K - Service Requester Contract
Rate Sch - Rate Schedule
K Begin Date - Contract Begin Date
K End Date - Contract End Date
K Ent Begin Date/Time - Contract Entered Begin Date/Time
K Ent End Date/Time - Contract Entered End Date/Time
Offer No - Offer Number
K Qty-K - Contractual Quantity - Contract
Loc/QTI - Location Quantity Type Indicator
3 - Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s)
6 - Storage
K Stat - Contract Status
A - Amended
N - New
K Holder - Contract Holder Duns Nbr
K Holder Name - Contract Holder Name
Affil - Affiliate Indicator
Repl SR Role Ind - Replacement Shipper Role Indicator
AMA - Asset Management Arrangement
RCP - Retail Choice
OTH - Other
SICR Ind - Storage Inventory-Conditioned Release Indicator
Releaser - Releaser Contract Holder Duns Number
Releaser Name - Releaser Contract Holder Name
Rel K - Releaser Contract Number
Terms/Notes - Special Terms & Miscellaneous Notes
Rec Loc - Receipt Location
Rec Loc Zn - Receipt Location Zone
Rec Loc Name - Receipt Location Name
Del Loc - Delivery Location
Del Loc Zn - Delivery Location Zone
Del Loc Name - Delivery Location Name
IBR Ind - Index-Based Capacity Release Indicator
Res Rate ID - Reservation Rate Identification Code
100 - Capacity - Field
101 - Capacity - Market
102 - Deliverability - Field
103 - Deliverability - Market
RES - Reservation
Max Tariff Res Rate - Maximum Tariff Reservation Rate
Rate Chgd - Non-IBR - Reservation Rate Charged - Non Index Based Rate
Com Rate ID - Commodity Rate Identification Code
135 - Storage Charge - Injection
137 - Storage Charge - Withdrawal
COM - Commodity
Max Tariff Com Rate - Maximum Tariff Commodity Rate
Bidder Designation of Bidding Basis - Bidder Designation of Bidding Basis
A - Non-Index-Based Release - Absolute dollars and cents per unit basis
P - Non-Index-Based Release - Percentage of maximum tariff rate
IP - Index-Based Release Formula results - Percentage
ID - Index-Based Release Formula results - Differential dollars and cents
IR - Index-Based Release Rate Floor - Differential dollars and cents
IM - Non-Market Based Rate and Index-Based Release greater than one year - maximum tariff rate
Res Rate Basis - Reservation Rate Basis
DA - Per day
MO - Per month
Perm Rel - Permanent Release
1- Capacity is being permanently released
2 - Capacity is not being permanently released
Prearr Deal - Prearranged Deal Indicator
1- Offer is subject to a prearranged deal
2 - Offer is not subject to a prearranged deal
Prev Rel - Previously Released Indicator
1- Contains capacity which was previously released
2 - Does not contain capacity which was previously released
Allowable Re-release Indicator - Allowable Re-release Indicator
Min Vol Pct - Minimum Accepted Volume Percentage
Recall/Reput - Recall/Reput Indicator
NO- Capacity not Recallable
YD/YR- Capacity recallable but not reputtable
Recall Notif Timely - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Timely
Recall Notif Eve - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Evening
Recall Notif EE - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Early Evening
Recall Notif ID1 - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Intraday 1
Recall Notif ID2 - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Intraday 2
Recall Notif ID3 - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Intraday 3
Bus Day Ind - Business Day Indicator
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